Have you ever been jealous of a friend's handwriting or been told that yours is hard to read? We live in the age of computers and smartphones, which means that sometimes we don't need an old-fashioned pen and paper. However, the beauty of a handwritten letter, a card is something we all enjoy giving and receiving.
At psalidixarti.gr, we love writing with pen and paper, so we'll tell you how to improve your handwriting! You'll be the envy of your friends with your beautiful handwriting in no time.
Having clear handwriting is important so that others can read it easily. In adulthood, messy handwriting can be perceived as unprofessional and affect your work.
Habits are hard to break, so changing your handwriting as an adult can prove difficult. But you can improve your writing, all it takes is a little hard work and patience.
Choose the right pen

Deciding on a good pen is the most important choice you can make. Pens definitely affect your writing in a number of ways. Experiment with different types of pens, such as permanent gel or liquid ink to see what works best for you. It is so important to choose a pen that suits you and your writing style. Everyone holds their pen differently, so make sure their grip is comfortable too.
Write on lined paper
Trying to write on blank paper won't help you improve your handwriting.
Lined paper will help keep your writing straight and allow you to keep your letters at the same height consistently. When writing on lined paper, check your handwriting from time to time.
Note what you like and what you want to improve and keep practicing!
Start a diary
Keeping a daily journal will help you improve your handwriting. It's also great writing practice. Get a pretty journal or
notebook and write about your day to practice your handwriting. Having
beautiful stationery will encourage you to practice and that's what will improve your writing!
Don't rush..
Take your time, no one is standing over you keeping a timer. Often our mind runs ahead and waits for our hand to keep up - the result? A sloppy and illegible handwriting.
Encourage yourself to go slowly, thinking about each word formation as you go.
The more you practice at a slower pace, the easier it will be to write neatly. Then you can start steadily speeding up the process and still have enviably elegant handwriting.
Check your posture

Posture affects many areas of your life, including the way you write. Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms and hands relaxed, you don't want to be tense. Resting your forearm on the table while writing will allow the hand to move the fingers rather than the wrist. This will help your writing!
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Developing a neat and beautiful handwriting is easier when you are young. If you can see that your child is struggling with messy handwriting, we have some great tips to help! Many of the tips for adults can work for kids too, with a little tweaking.
Use a pen and pencil specifically for children
Investing in a
pen or pencil specifically designed to help children improve their handwriting is a great place to start. Children have smaller hands than adults and often struggle to hold a standard pen or pencil. Kids-specific pens and pencils are perfect for helping your child build confidence in their writing skills. Ergonomically designed by scientists, it is easy to hold and has options for both right-handed and left-handed writers. It will help your child on his way to beautiful handwriting.
Practice works wonders
Encouraging your child to practice their handwriting is the best way to help them improve. You can use
exercise and prescription books . The exercises are easy to do when combined with a good quality pen or pencil, neat handwriting will come soon
Encourage them with fun stationery
There is no better motivation than a special pen and notebook. Why not encourage your child with some fun stationery? We have great pens and notebooks at psalidixarti.gr Writing with a colorful pen and notebook will make your child much more excited to practice writing.